Lic's - Jeevan Nischay ( Plan No.: 199)

(Single Premium Plan With Guaranteed Returns)
Available From 29/10/2009 To 31/03/2010
"Jeevan Nischay" is a single premium plan available only for existing policy holders of LIC. It will be accepted on Non-Medical basis & income tax rebate shall be available under this Plans.
Other features:-
  • Min Entry Age:- 18 years (Completed)
  • MaxEntry Age:- 50 years (Not Beyond this Date)
  • Min Single Premium:-Rs.10,000/-( Ten thousand )
  • Max Single Premium:-Rs.10 lakh
  • Policy Terms:- 5 yr., 7yr., 10yr.
Death Benefit:-
  1. On death in first year :- 5 times the single premium
  2. On death after 1 year :- Maturity Sum Assured
  3. On death in last Policy year :- Maturity Sum Assured + Loyality Addition
Maturity Banefit :- Maturity Sum Assured + Loyalty Addition
Maturity Sum Assured :- Maturity Sum Assured rate per thousand single premium are given in Annexure -1
Incentive for Large Premium:-
Premium----------------------------Increase in Maturity Sum Assured---------
-----------------------------------(As % Of Tabular Maturity SA)-----------
-------------------------5 Years--------------7 Years----------------10Years
25,000-49,999------------3% ------------------3.75%------------------4.5%---
50,000-99,999------------4% ------------------5.25%------------------6.5%---
1 lakh & above-----------5.25%----------------6.75%------------------8.5%---

Loan & Surrender :- Loan & Surrender shall be available after 1year.

Example - Age 25years-Single Premium - 1 lakh
Term 5yrs.-Term 7yrs.-Term 10yrs.
Maturity Benefit-Maturity Benefit- MaturityBenefit
Maturity SA-1,32,194-Maturity SA-1,50,410-Maturity SA-1,86,186
Loyality Addition-Loyality Addition-Loyality Addition


  1. What is the actual Return in this Plan?

  2. What istheamount will receive after 10 years ofinvestment rupee 100000

  3. Rupee cost average through SIP works irrespective of market highs and lows. When the market keeps decreasing, more number of units are accumulated and less number of units are accumulated when market is increasing. world’s best retirement calculator
